Two articles in recent news post interesting dilemmas: New York City graduation rates reached 74.3 percent of city kids who entered high school in 2013 graduated in four years. (Record HIGH!) 80 percent of freshman entering community college in the CUNY system require remediation in reading, writing, (and/or) math…Students of […]
If We Don’t Care About Education we will gradually see the following effects of the epidemic caused by uninspired, institutional, banking systems of education in our classrooms from Pre-K to Higher Education. The costs are high. Inflated Grade Rates cause students to have distorted expectations about their educational journey and […]
“I was certified and stamped with a mark of approval, and I couldn’t teach them the one thing they most needed to know how to do–read.”- Amy Treadwell “A teacher’s control, should be an exercise in purpose, not power.”–Lemov Curriculum Design and Course Requirements In order to be eligible […]
Learners being seen, heard, and challenged to do more; these SHOULD be the foundations of our methods. – Sylvia Beltran Part of RTP’s philosophy is that we believe we have a duty to educate our students to be proactive members in their communities, and then to teach their students […]
Collaboration Experience: Finding common ground during class lightning rounds at the CUNY Graduate Center, Sylvia and Michelle realized their foci were kind of similar. Sylvia bravely approached Michelle and said “hey, I think our focus is the same, we should work together.” Michelle’s face lit up. “Yes! I was hoping […]